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Eléna Rivera is the author of several poetry collections, including Arrangements , with Peter Hughes (2022), Epic Series (2020), Scaffolding (2017), and The Perforated Map (2011). She received a National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellowship in Translation and was a recent recipient of fellowships from MacDowell (2020), Trelex Paris Poetry Residency (2019) and the SHOEN Foundation (2016).

Broadside from the Center for the Book Arts, NYC.

Broadside designed and printed by Oswaldo García and Explet Studio at Querétaro, México in honor of Eléna Rivera's reading on June 3rd, 2021 at the Center for Book Arts, New York, USA. Printed using cyanotype and silkscreen in an edition of 100. Available
Broadside designed and printed by Oswaldo García and Explet Studio at Querétaro, México in honor of Eléna Rivera's reading on June 3rd, 2021 at the Center for Book Arts, New York, USA. Printed using cyanotype and silkscreen in an edition of 100. Available for sale from the Center for the Book Arts, $20.00.